BAL SWING Balboa Basics Course: 26th Jun 8:40pm

Wed 26 Jun 2024 - Wed 17 Jul 2024

BAL SWING Balboa Basics Course: 26th Jun 8:40pm

Balboa has moves that are in close hold (Pure Bal) and moves that separate (Bal Swing). This Course will focus on Bal Swing. Not sure what Balboa is at all? Check out this video for a good example:

Balboa is a dance in the swing family, and is related to Lindy Hop. Typically danced faster but actually a lot less energetic. People enjoy this dance for being able to dance all night whatever the tempo.

This course will focus on Bal Swing and help you build your basic skills giving you a solid foundation in Out and Ins, Throwouts, Lollies etc. No previous dance experience necessary. Learn alongside a small group of other new dancers in a structured environment.

Bal Swing is when balboa dancers separate and involves all the throw-outs, spins and swivels you can shake a stick at.

Mixing Bal Swing and Pure Bal is great, check out our Pure Balboa Basics course too: